Largest Video Fole Size for Tumblr Upload

Tumblr is 1 of the beginning iterations of a social media platform, though not in the traditional sense. It evolved from the blogging phenomenon in the early on 2000s and quickly became a massive community of microbloggers, full of unique and varied subcultures.

Created in 2007, today there are over 200 one thousand thousand blogs publishing over 80 one thousand thousand posts each mean solar day. That's a lot of content! Tumblr's content is organized in #tags, which are essentially just hashtags that create topic clusters.

On Tumblr, users can share almost any type of content they tin dream upwardly, including articles, text posts, photos, videos, audio files, and animated GIFs. The master way users interact with each other is through comments on each other'due south posts and 'reblogging' content to their own blog, similar to the retweet functionality on Twitter.

Like many other social networks, creating unique visuals for Tumblr is crucial.

Images are the most popular mail blazon on Tumblr, then if you lot can curate top-notch graphics for your page, it's probable these posts will be reblogged, and your post-obit volition abound!

Funny text posts like the one below are also very popular.

Image via sweatpantsandcofee

Have you been considering starting your own Tumblr weblog? Or mayhap your existing page needs some updating? Well, there are a few things you lot can practice to customize your home page, and we've got some piece of cake-to-use templates to get you started.

The main things you'll need to go along in heed when you're creating images for your Tumblr folio is the resolution of your paradigm (poor epitome resolution volition make your graphics wait grainy) and the maximum and minimum image size Tumblr allows to be uploaded.

You'll also want to consider your design and branding and brainstorm how you tin synchronize your style and colour scheme across different social media platforms. Tumblr offers some great customization options, one of the all-time compared to other social media platforms.

Use this to your advantage and incorporate your brand colors and logo into your blog's theme.

So, where should you start if yous want to go into blogging on Tumblr? Or if you just want to revamp your page? Await no farther!

In this guide, we'll cover the recommended size for each blazon of image that you will need to update your Tumblr contour, including sizes for profile images, header images, ads, and posts. Bank check out our Tumblr Epitome size crook sheet below.

Tumblr Icon Size

Tumblr icon size

Your Tumblr profile icon is a square paradigm. Ideally, yous should upload information technology equally a .JPG or .PNG file, and the optimal size is 128 10 128 pixels.

Sometimes known equally an "avatar," your profile motion-picture show is substantially the same as a profile picture for Facebook or Twitter.

This image will display at the top of your contour feed when someone clicks on your username and appear next to all of your posts as a thumbnail icon.

As with any social media icon, it's important to make certain the paradigm is a skillful representation of your brand and is distinct enough for your followers to recognize you lot by. With our blueprint tools and this guide, it'll be piece of cake to stand up out.

It's common to use bold, artsy imagery for your Tumblr icon. And, of grade, it's of import to note the pixels and proper dimensions when selecting your image as well.

You lot should also consider how your icon will wait with your banner design and make certain the color palette and theme fit well together.

Keep in mind that your icon will display differently on a desktop compared to a mobile device. Hither'due south an example of what your Icon volition look like on the desktop dashboard. Notice that the profile image is to the left of the post templates.

Image courtesy of PCMag

How To Create Your Own Tumblr Icon

Whether yous're trying to become a Tumblr blogger and promote your blog through social media marketing or just lurk around other people's blogs, you'll need an icon image to customize your profile.

Instead of just uploading a random photo, why non try to make your own unique image with custom graphic design elements? It's piece of cake to do in Vectornator, where photo customization is as easy as simply a few taps with an Apple Pencil!

Just open up a new document, then you tin can use the design tools to create your high-quality shapes and forms, or you tin upload a favorite image of your own and customize it with vector shapes.

Our auto-trace feature and other design tools permit you lot to resize and change your favorite images easily. Adding graphic design elements to an existing image can be a great manner to brand a unique design without creating it from scratch.

And our integration with Unsplash means that beautiful royalty-costless images are correct at your fingertips inside the app itself! Unsplash all their free images with unlimited download!

Tumblr Header Size

tumblr header size

On a desktop, your banner will display at 3000 10 1055 pixels, but on mobile, it will display at a lower resolution of 640 ten 360 pixels.

Similar your embrace photograph on Facebook, LinkedIn, or about other prominent social media platforms, your Tumblr Imprint is the primary marquee image displayed at the top of your blog home page.

Be sure to upload an prototype that is at least 3000 x 1055 pixels so that your picture appears at the quality that you desire. Likewise, be sure to watch your header image elevation, maximum size, and resolution to brand sure your image does not compress or announced grainy.

For that reason, you lot should upload a banner image with an aspect ratio of 16:nine.

Your Tumblr header image is a great space to showcase your way and describe more followers to your weblog. Since it'southward part of a responsive folio, your banner volition stretch and be displayed at different sizes depending on the device that is beingness used to view it.

How To Create Your Own Tumblr Banner

Now that we've covered the correct header size for your Tumblr imprint, yous're set up to brand your own! It'due south easy to practice in Vectornator.

Ideally, your banner image should reverberate some characteristic of your contour photo so that you create continuity between the avails on your page. These images should flow well together.

Here'southward a glimpse into what your Tumblr avatar, banner, and blog title will look like when displayed on your contour.

tumblr profile images mapping

Image courtesy of Pixelied
After you've created your avatar, yous tin can apply it as a template for your banner.

Y'all tin do this by importing the avatar photo into a new certificate, where you tin can alter it, or just employ it as a reference for your new document. Only make sure you lot set the photo dimensions correctly, as mentioned above!

In one case you lot've created your paradigm in Vectornator, consign it in whichever format you wish. Remember to go along an eye on the file size - you don't want your image to be too big or too small; instead, strike a happy medium between quality and file size.

Tumblr is the ultimate platform for customization and layout.

You can residual your designs by customizing your Tumblr's colors, fonts, and layout. With Vectornator, y'all can extract colors from an image and utilise it for your design colour palette. This colour can so be used for your blog's background color!

Tumblr Posts

Tumblr's Dashboard images accept a minimum size of 500 x 750 pixels, a maximum expanded size of 2048 x 3072 pixels, and a recommended size of 1280 ten 1920 pixels for a 2:3 aspect ratio.

Photograph posts are the near shared posts on Tumblr's dashboard.

Tumblr's accustomed epitome formats include JPG, PNG, GIF, and BMP with a maximum file size of 20MB.

Each post volition look different when displayed on mobile compared to desktop or iPad. Here'due south an instance of the slight differences.

tumblr devices posts

Image courtesy of Instapage

Tumblr epitome posts can be fabricated as a atypical photograph or as a photo set up of images. If yous're posting ane paradigm at a time, it will be displayed at 500 pixels wide. If you're posting 2 images, they will each be displayed at 245 pixels wide, and for iii images, each will be displayed at 160 pixels wide.

How To Create Your Own Tumblr Posts

Tumblr's basic post templates tin be bang-up for a beginner or a quick share, only you might desire to consider using their "text" choice for a bit more customization. Their template paradigm posts will only allow for posting i image with a explanation and tags.

Using the text pick will permit you lot to post multiple images at in one case, embed videos, and customize your formatting.

And what if you lot're a business looking to get into blogging? Tumblr welcomes businesses and brands to create content and makes it like shooting fish in a barrel for people to discover and share that content.

Tumblr's niche content and #tags permit you lot to find your audience and curate content directly for them. The ideal business image size is the aforementioned every bit any other Tumblr image, 1280 ten 1920 pixels.

Tumblr is an underrated asset for businesses and brands!

In fact, Tumblr is ranked #i in social sentiment towards brands compared to other social networks.

If you lot're because posting ads for your business on Tumblr, the recommended size for graphics is 1280 ten 1920 pixels. As always, make sure your ads are eye-catching and assuming to effort and catechumen casual viewers into consumers.

Another chemical element of Tumblr design to proceed in mind is how your Tumblr images, posts, and layout will wait in dark style compared to light way. Hither'south an example of what a dark style Tumblr post looks similar.

Epitome courtesy of Reddit

Tumblr has inverse over the years, but i thing that has never changed is their emphasis on customization. While platforms like Twitter and Facebook only permit you to change small aspects of your folio like your profile epitome and header flick, Tumblr gives you complete command over the appearance of your page.

To customize your weblog, you tin can click "customize your theme" and select from their pre-made themes.

They have both gratis and paid options available. Once you choose your theme, Tumblr allows you to test the wait out before you select information technology and brand a permanent change to your page.

In that location are countless themes on Tumblr, grid themes, broad image themes, and more. Y'all'll have plenty of options to pick from and countless opportunities to make your page stand out from the rest.

Here'southward an fantabulous instance of what a theme on Tumblr looks like. This one is relatively minimalistic, and yous can see they opted for a wide image theme rather than a filigree style.

tumblr post

Image courtesy of Precrafted

Once your theme is set up up, you'll need to get started on making or redoing your current graphics to complete your Tumblr transformation. That'south where we come up in!

Our pre-made templates make designing graphics for Tumblr a cakewalk, without having to stress well-nigh your epitome format and size. This size guide is essential for your Tumblr toolkit.

Creating Tumblr Posts with Vectornator

Creating posts on a new platform can seem intimidating at beginning, just don't worry, we've got y'all when it comes to sizing! Yous tin starting time with a blank slate using our templates and create anything your heart desires.

Now that you've read this guide, yous know how to create your Tumblr profile epitome, your header, and image posts. You're off to a bang-up start!

As e'er, if there's a preset size that you lot need, but we don't currently offer, use our back up page to make a suggestion that we add it! Nosotros're always eager to better and update our templates. And if you utilize our templates to create an image, allow us know! We love to see our templates in action.

Follow us on socials and tag #Vectornator for a take chances to be featured on our channel!

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